Understanding the Tri-Unity of the Godhead – Part 2

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Part 2  – The Angel of Yehovah.

So far we have seen within just several examples of scripture that there is a plurality within the nature of the One true and living G-d. This was seen within plural words that showed this plurality and then we looked at a few passages where the names of G-d are applied to two divine personalities. It is then from the Hebrew Scriptures that we can see that there are three and only three distinct personalities that are considered divine from what is written for us. These are:-

1. The Lord YHVH.

2. The Angel of YHVH.

3. The Spirit of YHVH.

The Jewish writers of the Brit Hadasah , the N.T. clearly understood this and with the arrival of the Son of God as Messiah they then introduced us to the doctrine of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the three personalities of the glorious Godhead. But the Tanakh clearly previously showed this as we are discovering.

The Lord YHVH and His Spirit are clearly seen within the Tanakh and so there is no need to teach on the numerous passages that show this. What we want to examine is the The Angel of YHVH –

First of all The Angel of Yehovah as we follow the rules of Hebrew grammar is not to be taken as a title but as a proper name. He is always considered distinct and separate from all other angels as we cannot find the expression ‘the angels of the God’ or ‘the angels of Yehovah’ which is a deliberate act as God gave His Word through His prophets. There are then three and only three expressions ever used regarding the Angel of Yehovah and these are:-

1. The Angel of Yehovah – Malach YHVH (this is always singular).

2. The Angel of God – Malach Ha-Elohim (this again is singular with the definite article used).

3. The angels of God – Malachei Elohim (this is in the plural form and is never used with a definite article).

The first two names are used of a very special and a very distinct individual whereas the third expression is used in a general term to describe the ordinary angels. We do of course have different types of angels but none of them are compared to the Angel of Yehovah.

Once again we shall turn to the Holy Scriptures to prove this point and more:

1. In Judges 6:20-21 we see this special Person described first of all as ‘the Angel of the God’ in verse 20 and then in verse 21 He is ‘the Angel of Yehovah.’ This is again seen with the two descriptions in Judges 13 verse 3 and verse 9.

Within Judges chapter 13 we see that this Person is referred to as The Angel of Yehovah nine times in verses 3,9,13,15,16,17,18,20 and 21 but then in verse 22 He is said to be God himself. This is an incredible revelation:

And Manoah said unto his wife “we shall surely die, because we have seen God.”

After the Book of Judges this Angel of Yehovah is not seen or spoken of again until Isaiah 37:36 where He slaughters the Assyrian army and let us now clearly understand that ‘what has been will be again’ when He returns to slaughter the armies of the enemies of Israel at Armageddon. (Oh that the enemies of Israel would bend the knee). This then is Melech Yeshua (King Jesus) whose name is The Word of God (see Revelation 19:13) and so we have a progressive revelation and illumination of the King of kings and the Lord of lords, He who is also called Faithful and True (see Revelation 19:11).

The Angel of Yehovah is then spoken of within the first six chapters of Zechariah as He gives the prophet the eight visions which are a wonderful fore view of so much.

In using the word wonderful let us also understand that in Judges chapter 13 verse 18 the Angel of Yehovah refers to His name as being Wonderful. We can immediately cross reference this with Isaiah 9:6 where this name is used of God. The Hebrew word Pele meaning Wonderful is never used of an angel or of a man within the scriptures and so in using this name of Himself this Angel of Yehovah is stating that He is God. (read the account for yourself and follow the rules of context, grammar and literal meaning).

We can note that in Hosea 12:3-5 this Angel again has the name of God in Him. The fact that He has all four letters of God’s name within His name indicates that He is actually God Himself – being seen.

Finally, in Isaiah 63:7-14 we see Him described as The Angel of God’s presence so here is an undisputable verse that shows the second person of the Trinity. We can see the truth that God is a spirit as Jesus taught in John 4:24. That Jesus also said, "whoever has seen Me has seen the Father."

For anyone to deny all the above verses quoted is rank foolishness and is a deliberate human act of rebellion to not receive what is written and revealed. We can then at this point note that this is precisely what most of the leaders did to Yeshua and His claims, ignoring the miracles and signs He did showing that He was indeed Immanuel (God with us) as the Son of God and the awaited Messiah as the prophets foretold.

2. In Exodus 23:20-22 it is the Lord God who is speaking:

(Exodus 23:20) Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.

(Exodus 23:21) Beware of Him, and obey His voice, provoke Him not; for He will not pardon your transgressions: for My name is in Him.

Verse 20 clearly teaches that this Angel of Yehovah will lead the people throughout their wanderings and into the Promised Land.

(NB. Let us note that this land is only ever promised to Israel and anyone who wants to take any part of it from them have just set them selves on a collision course with God).

Verse 21 teaches us several commands laid down by God towards His people:-

Beware of Him – why? Because He is very powerful.

Obey His voice – why? Because He speaks as God.

Provoke Him not -why? Because God is to be obeyed and not disobeyed!

He will not pardon your transgressions – why? Because He obviously has the power to forgive sins which is a prerogative that only God has! (NB. We can read in the N.T. that Jesus as Immanuel forgave sins).

There are blessings for obeying Him – verse 22.

He is the Angel of the Exodus – verse 23.

3. What we have clearly seen and what the Hebrew grammar is clearly showing is that this unique individual is indeed God. Again in so many other verses this Angel of Yehovah is referred to as the Angel of Yehovah and Yehovah Himself. See:-

Genesis 16:7-14. We have four references to the Angel of Yehovah in verses 7,9,10 and 11. But in verse 13 the reference is to Yehovah Himself and so Hagar names the place ‘You are a God that sees.’

Genesis 22:9-16. In these verses we see that he is called the Angel of Yehovah twice, verses 11 and 15.

But in verse 12 He is referred to as God and in verse 16 as Yehovah.

Genesis 31:11-13. In verse 11 He is referred to the Angel of the God but when He speaks in verse 13 he says, ‘I am the God of Bethel.’ (How many times did Yeshua refer to Himself as I am. And once directly as I AM seen in John 8:58 – "Before Abraham was born I AM!").

Personal comment – "I bow the knee my Lord, my God and my only Saviour."

Genesis 32:24-30. Here in my favourite passage which describes Jacob (Yacov) wrestling with the Angel of Yehovah who tells him in verse 28 ‘for thou hast striven with God’ and after this in verse 30 Jacob wonderfully declares, ‘I have seen God face to face.’ (Paneem el paneem).

Let us finish with one last very convincing truth in Exodus 3:1-5.

V1. Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.

V2 . And the Angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

V3. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.

V4. And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.

V5. And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

In verse 2 we see it is the Angel of Yehovah as the verse states who then speaks as God in verse 4 , for we read – ‘God called unto him out of the midst of the bush.’

NB. There is only Moses and the Lord God present, no one else is mentioned!

In closing let us understand that the burning bush can be seen as a type of Israel which also will never be consumed and a lot of Muslims need to learn this and secondly that Israel means ‘he who struggles with God’ and so many of them do to this day in refusing Yeshua as Messiah and as the Son of God.

One day Israel as a people and a nation will turn and look upon the One pierced and cry out Baruch haba b’shem Adonai. Amen.

Date : 30/11/-0001    

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